Patient visitors, please be aware there may be some minimal disruption in the coming weeks due to building works for our new Family Suite on our In Patient Centre. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
For the safety of our patients, please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing cold and flu-like or vomiting symptoms.
Patient visiting is by appointment only, please call 0114 236 9911 after 8am. Visiting hours are 10am - 8pm.

St Luke’s to host national research conference

St Luke’s is to host a major national conference on the development of palliative care research.

The Establishing Research in Your Hospice event will be held at The Edge in Sheffield on October 18 2024 and will bring together the expertise of established research leaders to support hospices and partner organisations to develop  research in the hospice setting.

The day’s keynote speakers – who will include our Medical Director Dr Sam Kyeremateng and our Consultant and Head of Research Dr Paul Taylor - will talk about their experiences of developing a successful research infrastructure.

They will be joined by Professor of Palliative Medicine Miriam Johnson, Professor of Palliative Care Fliss Murtagh, Palliative Care Consultants Dr Felicity Dewhurst and Dr Katie Frew, and Research & Innovation Manager/Research Nurse Clare Pye.

Round-table sessions will link delegates with experienced professionals to learn from their expertise and explore pathways to develop research, and attendees will be invited to join a further online programme supported by St Luke’s.

“We can’t change the outcome of the diagnosis for our patients but there is more we can do to improve their care and wellbeing on their journey,” said Dr Kyeremateng.

“Research improves the care of our patients, supports best practice, builds a culture of excellence and provides opportunities for participation to those we support - but taking those first steps and developing research in a hospice can be daunting.

“At the conference, we will bring together the expertise of established research leaders and our experiences of becoming a research active organisation to support interested hospices and partner organisations in embedding research in their work.”

To find out more about the conference or to register visit Research


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