We provide holistic treatments for patients – whether they are being cared for in their own home or on our In Patient Centre.
The range of services we provide covers massage therapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki and guided relaxation, all the things that might help patients with anxiety, stress, depression, low mood, fatigue and insomnia.
We are also providing psychological and emotional support for people at what can be a very difficult time but although that might sound tough we like to think we are doing the nice things, the things that don’t have anything to do with medical procedures.
Part of our time is spent with patients on the In Patient Centre but we also visit patients out in the community, in their own homes.
They might have been through very difficult medical treatment but we can help them to relax and take their minds off everything that’s happening to them.
What we really like about our job is that we are making a difference to people’s lives.
People are really keen to access our services but we’ve found too that the time we spend with them also gives them a chance to talk and just half an hour a week can really give somebody a lift if they have been feeling low.
Sometimes we do find that people who have been holding their feelings in will really let them out during a session because we help them to feel relaxed and give them that time to talk about things.
They can get quite emotional but that’s alright because we are part of a really good team and we have really good support if we have had a difficult day.
It might seem a strange thing to say but we get so much enjoyment out of what we do - it’s so rewarding helping people and being there for them.