Sheffield’s crochet enthusiasts are being urged to get busy with their hooks and create a bouquet of happy memories for our patients and families.
Our Specialist Palliative Care Chaplain Jo Siddall is asking the city’s crocheters to join her in the creation of simple forget-me-not flowers which will be given to the families and friends of patients as a memento of their loved ones’ time with us.
“We’re hoping to have enough flowers to be able to create a special display in our chapel, with flowers that people will be able to take away with them,” Jo explained.
“The flowers are really easy to make and it should be a very simple task for anybody who is used to crochet work – and might even be the sort of thing that first time crocheters could have a go at too.
“Eventually, we’d like to extend the project so we could have supports making daffodils and bluebells for the spring and other flowers to represent the changing seasons.
“The important thing though is that each flower will give people a cherished memory to take away with them.”
To find out more about how to get involved in the crochet project email: Forget-Me-Not