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St Luke’s celebrates National Inclusion Week

04 October 2023

National Inclusion Week gave us the opportunity to emphasise our most important message…that St Luke’s care is here for everyone.

 National Inclusion Week is dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces.

 The theme for this year was Take Action Make Impact, a call to action for everybody from leaders to teams and individuals.

 And for St Luke’s that meant a whole week of special events, including talks from Voluntary Action Sheffield and the city’s Freeman College, the city-based independent specialist college that offers a holistic approach to education for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities

 There was also a visit by Barbara Groves, who is profoundly deaf and provided awareness on how St Luke’s could further support hearing impairment in the workplace, while our Lead HR Advisor Debbie Woodruffe presented a session on neurodiversity, Staff Nurse Claire Wilshire spoke about LGBT+ awareness and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor Andrew Walton delivered a session on Trans and Gender Diverse Identities.

 Andrew also arranged a series of drop-in meets and greets and discussions on our EDI policy, as well as visiting our complete chain of shops across the city.

 “It was a fantastic week that was all about highlighting and engaging inclusion in the workplace and applying the National Inclusion Week 2023 theme,” said Andrew.

 "I’ve loved being a part of this week at St Luke’s and I can’t wait to continue our EDI journey together.”

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