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Bag a bargain at the Crystal Peaks Car Boot Sale

19 July 2022

BAG a bargain or turn unwanted items into cash as Crystal Peaks hosts its sixth annual car boot sale in support of our patient services.

All proceeds from the Sunday September 18 event in the Sainsbury’s green car park at the award winning Sheffield shopping centre will be going to St Luke's as we celebrate our 50th anniversary.

But with spaces bookable at £6 in advance limited to just 100 vehicles, it’s important to book early to avoid disappointment.

To reserve a place visit the Crystal Peaks Customer Care desk in the Crystal Peaks central atrium.

Set up on the day begins at 7.30am with the event open to the public from 8.30am to 11am.

“The Crystal Peaks car boot sales have been a great success in the past and we are delighted that they are hosting this event again, coinciding with our ongoing 50th anniversary celebrations,” said our Community Fundraising manager Matthew Sheridan.

“We are confident that bargain hunters will be out in force once more, all keen to grab a great bargain and, as ever, we are grateful to Crystal Peaks for their continued and much valued support.”

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