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Kate joins the the TRIB3 Half marathon team in memory of sister Kim

TRAINEE vicar Kim Willis lived only three weeks following a diagnosis of pancreatic and liver cancer in 2019.

In that short time, though, Kim discovered the outstanding levels of support offered to both patients and families by our staff.

For along with the clinical care she herself received, there was also support for husband Mike, daughters Rosie and Molly and the whole family.

And that is why Kim’s sister, Kate Noble, has joined the team at Sheffield gym TRIB3, who are aiming to raise £10,000 for St Luke’s as they take part in the Sheffield Half Marathon on March 27.

“I can’t explain how tough it was to watch someone deteriorate so quickly, but St Luke’s looked after her so well in the last week of her life and I will be forever grateful for how the looked after her and her family through that time and beyond,” said Kate, who lives in Crosspool..

“It was her wish to be there in her last days and there couldn’t have been a better place.

“I didn’t know what to do with myself after she died so I threw myself into work and exercise and signed up to take part in the 2019 Half Marathon.

“The amazing support in Sheffield helped me round and I will admit to having a huge cry as the route took me past St Luke’s.”

When the Half Marathon was relaunched last September Kate was on the start again and now she is part of the team at the Ecclesall Road TRIB3, where she is a member.

“I’d love to beat my time from last September and I’ve myself a fundraising target of £300,” Kate said.

“I really want to raise as much as I can and help the TRIB3 team to hit their target!”

To support Kate visit Kate Noble

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