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Freemason’s make £3,000 grant donation to our patient care

23 August 2021

We are very pleased to have received a special donation from the Freemasons in memory of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Mark Benevolent Fund is the official charity of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, a masonic organisation based at Mark Masons’ Hall in London.

Our gift of £3,000 has been made as part of a £1.3 million wider grant distributed to more than 250 hospices across England and Wales to celebrate the life of the Duke, himself a Freemason, who died in April.

The cheque was presented by Philip Haynes representing Britannia Mark Lodge, accompanied by Terry Sweet of Vulcan Mark and Alan Corbridge of Escafeld Mark.

“We are delighted to have received this generous donation from the Mark Benevolent Fund,” said our Senior Fundraising Manager Clare Collingworth.

“Throughout the pandemic, our shops remained closed for many months and all our major fundraising events had to be put on hold, which has had a massive impact on our income streams.

“At the same time, our standard of care was never diminished and our services for the people of Sheffield never faltered.

"As we look to the future, this donation really does make a great difference and we are very pleased that the Freemasons thought of us and our patients.”

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