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Remembering Richard with £1,000 donation

15 December 2020

A LIFE in theatre and in the wider community was celebrated as a cheque for £1,000 in the memory of Richard Foster was presented to St Luke’s Hospice.

Richard, who died at the age of 77 earlier this year, spent more than three decades at the heart of Sheffield's amateur theatre scene as trustee, business manager and eventually chairman of Manor Operatic Society.

He was also well known to many people throughout Sheffield both for his butchery business and as the founder of Brunsmeer Football Club.

Following his death, the family launched a fundraising JustGiving page, which raised a total of £2,000.

And Manor Operatic Society paid their own tribute by matching that figure, bringing the total up to £4,000 which has now been split between St Luke’s and three other local charities.

“Part of his job as chairman on Manor was to deal with the charities the society supported and that made him many more friends across the city,” said daughter Sallianne.

“We felt it was only fitting that as people couldn’t come to his funeral because of Coronavirus restrictions, they would want to pay their respects by supporting charities like St Luke’s.

“I wanted to do it as a legacy for dad and as an acknowledgement of all the things he used to do for everybody himself.

“He had so many strings to his bow and he would be so pleased to know that we have raised this much.”

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