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Footballers raise £900 in Keebles challenge

19 September 2018

SHEFFIELD law firm Keebles raised more than £900 with a corporate football tournament at the city’s HSBC Sports Ground.

Eight teams from companies across the city competed in the event, with the top prize going to the players from Hart Shaw.

The contest was the latest in a year of events by Keebles in support of St Luke’s.

The company will also be talking part in the St Luke’s Will Month and fundraising for the organization in the 2019 Master Cutler’s Challenge.

“We are delighted that the Keebles year of support for our services is proving so successful,” said our Senior Corporate Fundraising Manager Joasia Lesniak.

“Every penny the company raises during the important year-long partnership really does make an enormous difference to the lives of St Luke’s patients and their families.”

© 2025 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.