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Henry Boot PLC helps bereaved families to rebuild lives

15 May 2017

HENRY Boot PLC, the group of companies specialising in land, property and construction have partnered up with St Luke’s to provide vital support for bereaved families throughout Sheffield.

The Rebuilding Lives Project will showcase the vital work of our Bereavement Team, with Henry Boot’s support enabling the valuable work the team does for people in the community to continue and develop.

As part of the project, Henry Boot staff are being challenged to raise funds for St Luke’s by taking part in a range of bucket list style challenges.

“To support the Rebuilding Lives Project truly was an easy decision for Henry Boot. The care St Luke’s provide to families in such difficult times is outstanding. I know as a group we are looking forward to the challenge of raising as much funding for the project as possible” said Henry Boot PLC Chief Executive Officer, John Sutcliffe.

Each successfully completed challenge will be marked by a leaf on a specially created commemorative tree, which will take pride of place in the Henry Boot headquarters at Banner Cross Hall.

“The specialist support and care our Bereavement Team gives to the families and loved ones of our patients helps them to rebuild their lives after losing a person they love and that has a strong synergy with Henry Boot’s brand and values,” said our Corporate Fundraising Manager Jack Kidder.

“The project will involve a broad programme of varied and exciting fundraising and volunteering opportunities as well as providing engagement with our Bereavement Team, allowing Henry Boot staff to hear about the real life stories of the people we help and to learn more about how we can all help others dealing with bereavement.”

© 2024 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.