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Sheffield insurance company helps us to celebrate our Festival of Light

05 December 2016

SHEFFIELD insurance brokers Peter Hoare & Co have raised more than £1,500 for St Luke’s with a year of fundraising.

The company chose us as their charity of the year and have spent the past 12 months supporting the organisation, culminating with a donation to our annual Festival of Light.

“Our Festival of Light is a chance to celebrate and remember loved ones who are no longer with us,” said our Corporate Fundraising Manager Joasia Lesniak.

“Our supporters make a donation to sponsor a light in memory of a loved one, illuminating our garden with thousands of dedicated lights throughout Christmas.

“We are delighted that Peter Hoare & Co made such a generous donation as part of their year of fundraising.”

© 2025 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.