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Marathon friends raise more than £1,000

07 November 2016

Our own Corporate Fundraising Co-Ordinator Jack Kidder and friend and hospice supporter Sam Christmas of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry have raised more than £1,000 after completing their first full marathon together.

The friends, who have both completed half marathons in the past, joined forces to take part in the Morpeth 2 Newcastle Marathon, raising a final total of  £1,090.

“We thought it would be a great way to celebrate the partnership between St Luke’s and the Chamber,” said Jack.

“We have both independently run half marathons for St Luke’s but this was the first full marathon for both of us and it was a real challenge!”

Sam commented: “As a membership organisation Sheffield Chamber are proud to support local charities.

“This was a great opportunity to support St Luke’s, the Chamber’s Charity of the Year and I am delighted with how much money we raised”.

The duo’s Just Giving page is still open and any further support would be much appreciated. Simply visit the following link to donate: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/stlukesandsheffieldchamberofcommerce

© 2025 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.