For the safety of our patients, please refrain from visiting if you are experiencing cold and flu-like or vomiting symptoms.
Patient visiting is by appointment only, please call 0114 236 9911 after 8am. Visiting hours are 10am - 8pm.

The results are in…

24 August 2016

Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete our In Touch postal survey. It was great to see that the majority of you felt the newsletter content was relevant to you and interesting to read.

One thing we found from the research was that many of you would be happy to receive In Touch by email to reduce our postage and printing costs. If you’d be happy to help by receiving In Touch electronically, please email us with your details.

The majority of you said you would like the newsletter to be introduced by a changing member of staff each edition, to give more insight into the different roles at St Luke’s. So whether it’s a nurse, volunteer, chef or one of our fundraising team, with every edition you will now get an insight into what a typical day is like for our various members of staff and volunteers.

Following feedback we’ll be including an upcoming events section and giving regular updates on developments at St Luke’s, about our care, our successes, and across our chain of charity shops and how your support makes all the difference.

You can view our August In Touch Newsletter here. We hope you enjoy it!

© 2025 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.