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Fletchers Bakery raise over £4,000

31 March 2016

Fletchers Bakery self-raise over £4,000 to support our care

After choosing St Luke’s as their charity of year in 2015, the Fletchers Bakery team took part in various fundraising activities and raised a grand total of £4,191.80 for our care.

The team took part in a whole host of events, ranging from an It’s a Knockout contest to raffling a day’s annual leave and competing in the annual 5k Colour Obstacle Run at Rother Valley Country Park.

The company also entered a team into our first ever Night Strider event last October, joining over one thousand people as they raised money with a night walk through the streets of Sheffield.

“Fletchers Bakery are delighted to have supported St Luke Hospice during 2015,” said General Manager Jon Cooper. “Many of our staff have taken part in fundraising activities and we are very proud to be involved with such a worthwhile Sheffield charity.”

And it doesn’t stop there, they’ve enjoyed fundraising so much that they plan to continue their support for us throughout 2016, with the aim of beating their 2015 total!

If your company would like to support our care, please email Jack Kidder, Corporate Fundraising Manager at St Luke's or call him on 0114 235 7594.

© 2024 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.