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Implementing outcome measures into clinical practice conference 2017

Judith Park, Deputy Chief Executive reflects on our upcoming implementing outcome measures into clinical practice conference.

“Following on from the success of our outcome measures in palliative care conference last year, we are delighted to be working in partnership with Hospice UK to host another conference on 20 October 2017.” said Judith.

“Implementing outcome measures into clinical practice will explore the use and impact of utilising patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in palliative care settings, as well as showcasing new tools and technologies.

PROMs are an integral part of palliative care and the conference will draw together healthcare professionals and service improvement leads from across the country who are keen to incorporate them into their own practices.

On the day we will be joined by a variety of guest speakers who will be sharing their knowledge, expertise and top tips on using PROMs, as well as seeking our delegate’s thoughts on what they feel they would find most useful to support them with integrating PROMs into their own areas. Using these findings we hope to develop a comprehensive training programme to help and support hospices to effectively integrate PROMs into their everyday practices.

I would also like to thank the headline sponsors of the conference Eduserv https://www.eduserv.org.uk/. Eduserv are a not for provider of technology advice, engineering and support and we are working closely with them on projects currently. Their support for, and involvement in, the conference is hugely valued and showcases the important and pioneering work taking place in our sector.

It promises to be an interesting and insightful day with a variety of interactive and thought-provoking presentations and workshops. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the conference very soon and following the conference I will be sharing the highlights and outcomes from the day."

An update will be posted after 20 October.


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