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Introduction to Supporting through Grief and Loss webpage header

Would you like to increase your knowledge and understanding of the impact of grief and loss and develop skills to improve your confidence and help you to support bereaved people?

Our St Luke’s Bereavement Training ECHO is available, free of charge to anyone in Sheffield that supports people who are bereaved, whether on a voluntary or occupational basis.  

The training has been created by the Bereavement Service for St Luke’s Hospice Sheffield, in collaboration with the St Luke’s Project Echo team who will be delivering this module remotely. The project is in collaboration with Age Better in Sheffield, a National Lottery Community Fund programme aiming to reduce loneliness and social isolation in people aged 50 or above. The programme works in partnership with Sheffield Mind who lead on the Ripple Effect project offering one to one support to bereaved older people.

When is the training?

Module 1 – Introduction to Supporting people through Grief and Loss

For convenience we have four dates and times to choose from:





Tuesday 12 January

1pm - 3pm


Introduction to Supporting People through Grief and Loss

Friday 15 January

10am – 12pm


Introduction to Supporting People through Grief and Loss

Thursday 28 January

1pm - 3pm


Introduction to Supporting People through Grief and Loss

Friday 29 January

10am – 12pm


Introduction to Supporting People through Grief and Loss

There is also an optional second module: Death and Diversity, which is available on the following dates to anyone that completes module 1. There is an option to book module 2 on the training registration form.

Module 2 – Death and Diversity

For convenience we have two dates and times to choose from:





Wednesday 3 February

1pm - 3pm


Death and Diversity

Friday 5 February

10am – 12pm


Death and Diversity

There will also be a focus group on Thursday 11 February 9.30am – 10.30 am to gather feedback from the sessions.

How do I register and take part?

Participants can join the session online using their computer, tablet or phone and support will be available with the technology every step of the way. All session materials and resources are sent to participants after each session.

You can register for the sessions at https://forms.gle/LMWuK7ZZUW49cjiS8. After registering, we will send joining details to you 2 days before the session.

For more information

If you have any questions about the completion of this form or the Zoom technology used to join the sessions, please contact the Project ECHO team at [email protected]

If you have any questions about the bereavement training please contact Viv Huckerby at [email protected]

© 2025 St Luke’s Hospice. Registered charity number 254402.